Sunday, March 22, 2009

The End of a Sci-Fi Era

Music: Life on Mars - David Bowie

Yes, most of the 4th season may have sucked, the series finale a disappointment, and Ronald D. Moore's writing a total let down, but, still, when it comes to the show itself, I shall remember Battlestar Galactica with full-blown, insurmountable, geeky fondness (not geeky love since that's a phrase I would only use when I refer to Firefly).

Maybe even someday I'll find some time to watch it all over again, the entire Apocalyptic exodus of mankind towards a new home, the trials and let downs they faced along the way. Maybe.

But, at this exact moment in time, I'm glad it's all over.

The show has been on the decline since its third season (though it was still good, but not as good as the first 2) , and, seeing such a promising story turn into a ludicrous affair of narrative road blocks and lousy, lazy, writing...well, I say, gods, frak it all, I'm glad it finally ended.

I mean, Ronald D. Moore and co. overdid it with the plot. By the 4th season, they have already written themselves into a deep, confusing, narrative hole. Even the mythical and divine philosophical theme of the show became overly far fetched by then. Contrived and convoluted, the show's overall plot was beyond saving by the time the much anticipated season finale was set. He should have asked Joss Whedon for pointers because Whedon never fails to deliver in this area--even Dollhouse became interesting by its latest episode albeit the persisting problem of Eliza Dushku's inadequate acting talent still lingering over the show like a haunting specter.

Nevertheless, I'm gonna miss the characters. They're the only reason why I stuck with this show 'til the end. Bill Adama, Saul Tigh, Karl Agathon, the Sixes, Sharon and Boomer, Gaius Baltar, Lee Adama, Starbuck, etc., yep, when it all comes down to it, the characters are what kept this show alive, and, for what it's worth, decent in a way.

Anyway, it's time to say goodbye to BSG and wish the great actors involved with the show a prosperous future--they are, above all else, what made this show truly great and they deserve to further exhibit their acting chops.


Good god, I'm really going to miss seeing a bunch of Tricia Helfers and Grace Parks running around on screen. Oh well, life's a bitch sometimes hahahaha!


  1. ahhh firefly. how i miss thee.

  2. Yeah, hope they make a 2nd movie. I really want to see Fillion and Glau as Mal and River again.
